Layout & Uses
Illustrative Masterplan
The plan below illustrates our emerging concept for the site, including the mix of uses and building layouts. The uses and site layout aim to deliver upon the MDC’s objectives and key development principles and bring together the different strengths of Middlesbrough.
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For example, our first phases of development will provide additional high-quality student accommodation, enabling the University to compete on a national level and attract the highest calibre of students.
Similarly, the residential accommodation in the western part of the site will attract a range of people, but will be particularly attractive to young professionals and former students at the start of their careers, retaining them in the town and supporting the long-term economic prosperity of Middlesbrough.
A flagship hotel on the main approach to the site from Hartington Road will create a key gateway into the site and this area of Middlesbrough, as well as provide much needed hotel accommodation for the town.
Together, this range of uses within phase 1 will facilitate the future phases of development, creating a level of activity and movement in the area which has not been seen for many years.
Artists’ impression: aerial view looking towards Linthorpe Road frontage
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The Vision
Artists’ impressions:
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