Existing Site
The town of Middlesbrough showcases a rich industrial heritage with the roads of Linthorpe Road and Borough Road being some of the most important routes through the town.
The Gresham site sits at their intersection and represents a key ‘gateway’ site that provides the first impression for many visitors to Middlesbrough.
Site Location
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The site is located between the town centre (north), Teesside University (east), and the Gresham neighbourhood (west and south) and presents a significant missed opportunity to link these areas and contribute to the successes of Middlesbrough.
Whilst there are a variety of commercial and residential properties on Linthorpe Road and Borough Road, the majority of the site behind them has been cleared of its former residential terraces which detracts from the local area and is now a mixture of surface level car parks and grassed areas.
It is known to attract anti-social behaviour and gives a negative impression of Middlesbrough for the many people approaching from Hartington Road.
Our focus today is on the cleared parts of the site, representing ‘Phase 1’ of our development. However, the area beyond Phase 1 includes The Crown public house and remaining parts of the cleared site. We are engaging with MDC on how the environment around The Crown can be improved in the very short term, to the benefit of the many people who live and work locally and pass the building on a daily basis.
In the meantime we will work collectively with the local community to establish how this area can be returned to beneficial use and contribute to the area. At this stage we are exploring whether that involves demolition or reuse of the existing building.
Site Location
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Gresham History: In Pictures
We are clear that our commitment is to deliver comprehensive regeneration of the whole Gresham site. This includes the cleared areas and The Crown.
We will engage, and work collaboratively with those adjoining property owners as neighbours for the good of the area. The first phases of the site will facilitate the later phases, which will include the former Crown public house.